Essential Messaging Types
In addition to your Aligned Story, there are 7 types of messages that you’ll want to put out regularly in regards to you, your business, and your offer.
In the downloads section of this lesson you’ll find a document with examples for each message type.
Now that you have your Customer Journey Map, here’s how to create endless content from it.
Now, any time you sit down to create a piece of content, decide what experiences, realizations or epiphany (from your map) you’d like the content to support. By weaving these themes throughout all of your content, you’re creating the journey your audience needs—you’re laying the stepping stones that direct back to your offer.
So in this lesson, we’ll discuss the 7 primary message types. These are post themes and structures that you should rotate through in your daily content. Together, these message types are the formula you need to magnetize your audience toward you.
In more practical terms, these message types build your know, like and trust, and establish you as the relevant authority for your ideal client. They lead them on the first segment of their Customer Journey.
Note: You can use these messaging types for your unique marketing method (from the Marketing Map lesson). Although the examples in this lesson are written, the message types apply to any form of communication—video, audio, blog, email, and so on.
Also: If a certain message type doesn’t feel aligned, don’t use it. These are suggestions for you to cover a wide array of content angles and messages. However we do recommend inquiring into why a message type doesn’t feel aligned. Is it truly not aligned with your personality? Or is an upper limit or limiting belief hiding in that feeling? This can be a great way to uncover points of resistance and self-limitation.
Don’t get too caught up in what to use when. Just vary your content with these seven message types and you’ll be good!
Ready? Let’s dive in.
1) Personal Stories
Personal stories are really powerful, but it is important that you share them in very specific lights. What are some things that have happened to you, that you’ve learned lessons from? It’s important that you share the journey. Now, remember, you don’t need to be light years ahead of your ideal client, but you do need to be a step or two ahead, in order to establish authority. Make sure to share stories and lessons that appeal to the senses. Pheromones aren’t a myth. People decide if they like someone after just a sniff, and the “sexy” design of an Alessi teapot talks to consumers in a way that a fact sheet about boiling water never could. Why? Because these things awaken an emotional experience in the person, just like your stories.
It’s important to understand that ANY AND EVERY purchase is emotional. When you weave emotion into your stories—by engaging their senses with descriptive storytelling—your reader feels they are right there, experiencing it for themselves.
When you take someone on your past journey, you close the gap between you and them. You open a bond that is deeply visceral, emotional and captivating. This is what pulls clients to you.
Remember the Unique Advantage you crafted earlier in the program? This is how you communicate these, without being “braggy”—you tell the story of how you earned your unique recipe of experience and expertise, how you arrived at a particular belief, how you had a shift in belief, and so on.
And lastly, a key component of storytelling is vulnerability. The more honest, open and transparent you are surrounding the REAL repercussions of living without the solution you have to offer, the more gravity you will create. People bond with those who are vulnerable—it opens a portal for intimacy and connection.
2) Personal Philosophy
It’s simple. Share what you know is true. Share your values. Be the expert with an opinion, and voice that opinion without apology. Polarizing with your own conviction and truth is more powerful than you can imagine, and some say essential for attracting your tribe. Stand out by sharing your deepest truths! Remember the values you explored earlier in this program? This is how you let it shine, and use it as a tool to create a gravity so powerful that your ideal clients can’t help but reach out to you.
Don’t ask them if they think what you know is true, show them how it is in your own, unique way. This is establishing massive trust between you and your audience. The whole thing about philosophy is that it’s very subjective, and as humans, we are always enthralled by a worldview that someone presents as absolute in nature.
It is important though, that you don’t try and change someone’s worldview. Don’t try to use facts to prove your case and to insist that people change their biases. You don’t have enough time, and you don’t have enough money. Instead, share your truth through sharing the story of how you arrived at that truth, and you win.
If someone doesn’t share your worldview, your values, your truths, then they’re likely not the right client. You want to repel those who aren’t a good fit for you, and attract those who are, which is done through this messaging type.
3) Lifestyle
Here’s the thing. People love behind the scenes. That’s why we keep up with the Kardashians, that’s why MTV’s cribs was so popular, and that’s why we love shows like The Bachelorette, and so on and so forth. We love getting to know what’s going on outside of the normal brands, processes, etc. Don’t be afraid to share aspects of your life. That could be your meditation room, the latest book you’re reading, your desk. Really, whatever is “behind the scenes” is super important. People want to know that you’re a real human, and this will allow you create a deep, emotional bond with them. Because the fact is, they are connected to you already because they see part of themselves in you. So let that shine.
4) Social Proof
This is by far the most powerful content type. If you only did this, you’d still have people lining up to work with you.
There are three types of Social Proof:
- Client proof
- Personal proof
- Personal momentum
Client Proof
Don’t be afraid to share RESULTS. After all, it’s what people really love to see. Even if it’s from years ago, you’re establishing huge social proof here. Social proof is vitally important, because humans are social creatures, and we often buy from brands that we know lots of other people trust, enjoy, and are enriched by. Don’t be afraid to brag about your clients wins. When you’ve got a win, SHARE IT. It’s not bragging if it’s true, and it’s giving your audience a license to believe that they can achieve the same for themselves.
Personal proof
Also share your own story. This is social proof as well! And here’s a really easy way to “hack” this message type: offer to help your audience with a free 30 minute strategy or discovery call. Then after the call, follow up with them, and ask them how they’re doing. Screenshot the message, rub out the name and photo so it’s anonymous, and share it! It doesn’t matter how small a win seems to be, any share shows that you are actively working with clients and care to celebrate their results.
Personal momentum
It’s often help to show your audience that you are growing. The more you share your growth (business and personal), the more people will gravitate toward you, because they want the same. Share how your business is growing, share “behind the scenes”, and really make your audience feel like they are riding on the coattails of your journey. This is powerful.
“What is social proof? Put simply, it’s the positive influence created when someone finds out that others are doing something. It’s also known as informational social influence.” — Aileen Lee
5) Questions
People love to feel involved. People love to share their opinions. Recently, I put up a status that simply said “Success Is _____________” and I had about 100 comments. People LOVE to share their opinion. Invite them to do so. On subconscious levels, this establishes you as someone who is inclusive, full of love, and all about “the greater good.” Invite your audience to share their opinions without you losing the position of being the expert.
6) Invitations
Invite people to join you on your journey.
“Hey, we’ve got some spots open for ___________. Comment and I’ll reach out to you to schedule our time together.”
Invite people to come to you. Get them to take action. Then, provide massive value. If you come at people with a huge load of value that they can take away after a free training, they’ll be likely to engage more with your content, sit on webinars and trainings where you’re pitching at the end, and even reach out to you asking for more; simply because your free stuff is so powerful.
7) Teach Them, And They Will Come
Give your audience how-to’s. Don’t be afraid to give a ton of value. Do free facebook lives. I’ve probably done about 40 Facebook Live Videos and it has helped our brand tremendously. Don’t be afraid to show up as the authority that you are. Teach them parts of your process, and be confident and convicted in how much the world needs what you have to offer—because it does! Get comfortable being the maestro, because as you share stories from your own life, it’s evident that you already are.
Here are examples of post types that teach:
- X Steps to [Results]
- Teach a step of your Signature System process (i.e. book chapter!)
- Share something that competitors get WRONG (or is wrong with the traditional process/solution)
- Reveal the underlying problem to a pain
Test these types of messaging out. Implement them into different aspects of your schedule. If you know that there’s a certain time of the day where people are paying attention to you, experiment with different types of messaging. You’re building, here. Building trust, building authority, building repertoire, building relationships.
Posting is like depositing small amounts of currency in your bank account. As the account grows, so does your influence. Entrepreneurs often get stuck in not seeing outward results from each individual post—don’t allow yourself to get stuck here! You’re playing the long game. As you post, you’re honing your message, attracting people’s attention, creating relationships, and planting seeds of the transformation they need.
Most importantly, share out of love. Always put yourself into the mental and emotional space of I am helping change the world through my vision. By falling into this energy and intention, you’ll effortlessly produce content that impacts lives and draws people to you. Doing this greatest GRAVITY that pulls the right people in.