Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Your Aligned Website

Dave Smith August 18, 2023

Note: While having a website isn’t required (it’s all about alignment!), it is recommended. Many successful businesses do not have websites. Skip for now if you’d like to focus on a different approach.

With everything you’ve completed so far, it’s now time to apply it to your website. Your website is often a first impression for your prospects, so you want to ensure it gives them everything they need to learn more and take the next step with you. Follow the structure below to create a powerful and fully aligned website.

We’ll use our Alignment Engine homepage as the example:

Now let’s walk through the structure and layout:

Element 1: Offer Summary

The first element on the page should be a short headline summary of your offer (what you do). The headline should be short. 

If you’d like a template, you can complete this sentence: “I help [identify audience] do [results].”

Element 2: Unique Advantage / Values / Philosophy

Below the offer summary headline should be a short paragraph that communicates a little about your unique advantage, values and/or philosophy. Speaking on the values level allows you to attract your Ideal Customer, and repel a potentially non-ideal customer.

Element 3: Call to Action

What is the first “next step” you’d like your prospect to take? It could be to learn more about your products or services, fill out a qualification form to schedule a call, or anything else that begins guiding them to your offer and into your business.

Element 4: Social Proof

Below the top section is always a good place to position any social proof. It could be logos of websites or news sites you’ve been featured in, a quote from a satisfied customer, or anything that gives a bit of proof that you are competent at what you do.

Element 5: Offer(s)

The next section is where you place your Aligned Offer (offers if you have more than one like the Alignment Engine). Many businesses struggle to get their website to convert because they don’t make it easy to find a clear offer! By positioning your Aligned Offer on your homepage, you get straight to the point—here’s how you can help, and here is the next step.

Element 6: Unique Mechanism

After your offer is a good place to back it up with information on what makes your produce or service different. By showcasing your Unique Mechanism, you substantiate your offer with high-level details on what is “under the hood.”

Element 7: Process Overview

You want your prospect to feel like partnering with you makes their goal easy to achieve. The next section is a process overview—you can share the steps of your Signature System, or go with a simple three-step process:

1. You Enroll  >  2. We [whatever you do]  >  3. You [results]

For instance:  1. Schedule a Diagnosis Call  >  2. Craft & Implement Your Unique Growth Plan  >  3. Watch Your Business Grow

Or, like in the Alignment Engine example:  1. Diagnose  >  2. Align  >  3. Grow

Element 8: About

The next section is an opportunity to share a little more about you. Who are you? What is your background? How are you qualified to help? A little humble brag isn’t a bad thing here.

Element 9: Blog / Resources

And lastly we have a call to action to more information or resources. This could be a link to your blog, to your YouTube, to your podcast—whatever marketing method that is most aligned with you, and that you are populating on a consistent basis. This allows for those who aren’t yet ready to take the next step to dive deeper and learn more about you, your methodology, your philosophy, and your offer.

Important: Calls to Action

Throughout the page you should have several calls to action—buttons and links that drive your prospect into their next step. As mentioned above, this could be a link to learn more about your products or services, fill out a qualification form to schedule a call, or anything else that begins guiding them to your offer and into your business. Whatever it is, be clear, make it easy, and keep it obvious. Don’t make your prospects hunt!

If you look at the Alignment Engine example, you’ll see several buttons down the page.